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Day 1-3 of the 30 Day Purse Challenge

challenge Nov 01, 2023

Recently, I had the honor of presenting at the annual Masters training for The Splankna Institute. It was an exciting and interesting experience because I was both a fellow trainee and a speaker, which presented some unique challenges compared to a "normal" speaking opportunity.

In my latest blog post, I provided a recap of what was taught at the training and emphasized the importance of understanding the emotions surrounding money as a business owner. Recognizing the financial current that flows through your business is crucial for the overall success and your growth as a business owner. During my presentation, I invited Tiffany Sturms to join me in a 30-day challenge where we carried purses that were outside of our comfort zones. Tiffany had always admired Louis Vuitton handbags but couldn't understand why someone would spend that much money on a purse. On the other hand, I wanted to challenge myself by carrying a bag that would give me a unique perspective from what I'm "used" to carrying. A bag that I might make judgements about if someone I knew was carrying it. 

Throughout the 30 days, we will be sharing our observations, experiences, insights, and emotions related to this challenge. The first few days have already sparked deep thoughts, and in this VLOG, you'll find our initial impressions and reflections from the first three days of the challenge.


Cheering for you,



If this is an area of growth that you’re seeking, please email me a short message about why training on this subject would be helpful to you and your business. [email protected] 

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