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Start a Podcast in 5 Easy Steps

Jan 11, 2024

Did you know that the fear of public speaking affects over 75% of the U.S. population? This fear is not limited to just one country; people all around the world hesitate or resist opportunities to speak on any stage. But public speaking isn't just about speaking in person. It includes any situation where your voice and influence are amplified, recorded, or replayed.

Numerous research studies suggest that the fear of public speaking stems from the perceived risk of failure when our voice, opinion, or influence is broadcasted, recorded, stored, or reproduced.

Believe it or not, I used to tremble at the mere thought of speaking publicly. I would hold a microphone, and my hand would shake so much that my voice became unsteady and incomprehensible.

So, how did I overcome this fear? It took a lot of practice, mainly through podcasting, and some Splankna therapy to understand and overcome the root cause and negative emotions I was holding onto.

Let me take you back to when I was a freshman in high school. Our athletic director unexpectedly visited my cheer practice and asked if anyone could sing The National Anthem at the Varsity football game on Friday night. The usual volunteer, a junior on our team, was sick that day. With a mix of nervousness and love for singing and performing, I sheepishly raised my hand and offered to do it, despite lacking the confidence and vocal reach of my teammate.

This was a brave move for me since I had never performed The National Anthem on the football stadium's PA system. However, I wasn't nervous because I frequently sang at high school basketball games.

On Friday night, I entered the announcer's booth, where one of my favorite teachers was in charge. He handed me a large, boxy microphone and said, "You're up." I clicked the bulky button on the awkward device, and the system instantly connected to the speakers around the football field. As soon as I started singing, I realized there was a significant echo between my voice and the delayed sound reaching my ears. My heart started pounding, and I told myself to focus on the words and not listen back.

Halfway through the song, I glanced down at my teacher, who grinned and gave me two enthusiastic thumbs up. That was all it took for me to forget the lyrics. I froze, unable to find the words or remember where I was in the iconic song. After about 10 seconds of silence, the crowd started laughing, which only heightened my nerves. My heart felt like it was in my throat, both choked from the fear of starting to sing again and distracted by its pounding sound.

Thankfully, my teacher came to my rescue with the words I needed. However, he accidentally gave me the words I had just finished singing, and my brain mistook them for the next line. So, I ended up singing the same line twice, much to the amusement of the crowd.

When I finally finished the song, I broke into tears and trembled at the thought of facing the crowd.

I'll save the rest of the story for another time because it got much worse. But now, you understand where my fear of public speaking originated. 


One avenue that helped me overcome this fear was PODCASTING.

Did you know you can create a podcast completely FREE? There are three reasons why I love podcasting for preparing to speak publicly as part of your platform. 

1. You can change, update, and re-brand your show whenever you want.

2. It provides an opportunity to practice and share your important message.

3. It's a safe space to craft your message and story before taking it to a bigger stage.


To get started, all you need is a pair of corded headphones with a built-in microphone, like the ones that used to come with Apple devices. You'll also need Audacity, a free software that can be downloaded from their website (find the link HERE). I've been using Audacity for the past five years on all my computers. Lastly, you'll need a free podcast host like Podbean (linked HERE).


To demonstrate how easy it is to start a podcast, I recently taught "How to Start a Podcast in 5 Easy Steps" on our community call. I recorded the teaching portion of the call in podcast format and launched a new podcast so our community members have easier access to the teachings. You can listen to that episode by clicking HERE.

The steps to start a podcast are this simple:


- Determine the topic and target audience.

- Decide on the format.

- Brainstorm episode ideas and potential guests.

- Create a content plan and release schedule.





- Record your first episode or podcast pilot.

- Aim for consistency rather than perfection.

- Let your listeners get to know the real you.



- Upload your episodes to the hosting platform.

- Create catchy episode titles.

- Include simple show notes with your contact information.

- Schedule your episodes for publishing and forget about it.



- Identify your target audience and find out where they hang out.

- Get creative with your promotional efforts.

- Focus on publishing consistently for the first six weeks rather than obsessing over downloads and results.



That's it! Starting a podcast is as simple as that!

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