3. One O'Clock, Wallow in Self Pity

One o'clock, wallow in self-pity, I can't miss that again. This week, I hopped on Instagram and noticed that one of my favorite personal development gurus made a short video about wallowing. Now, I normally LOVE her stuff but something in me was triggered with this particular video. Isn't that the hard part of short form videos?? Ninety seconds isn't enough time to really cover the depth needed for these types of subjects anyways! 

Today, I want you to think about your definition of wallow and are you using it to your advantage by building yourself back up post-divorce or during a difficult coparenting relationship, or are you wallowing in your version of STUCK? 

I had a dear friend point out to me that there's just one letter difference in WALLOW and ALLOW. How do you look at this in your life?

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